An EEG is a test used to detect activity in your brain.
EEG is the cornerstone of epilepsy diagnosis. We pride ourselves on being the most advanced EEG laboratory in Montana, with the only accredited laboratory in the State. Many technologists have trained in the Montana Neurology EEG lab over the years and have gone on to successful careers. All EEGs are performed in our Missoula EEG laboratory. Our staff include, Thomas Swanson, MD who is board certified in Clinical Neurophysiology, Mattie Murphy, REET, an ABRET registered EEG technologist, and Heather Burgad, an EEG technologist. We provide routine EEG for all ages. We also provide ambulatory EEG recording for several days in your home. Don’t trust your EEG diagnosis to low quality labs, mis-interpreted EEGs are common in neurology.