Electroencephalograhpy (EEG) Laboratory
We have worked hard to create the finest, and only certified EEG laboratory in Montana. Thomas Swanson, MD, FAES is the founder and medical director, and has assembled an amazing team of technologists and staff, all focused brain wave testing. He has extensive training and faculty experience in EEG such world class laboratories as the Mayo Clinic, The University of Pennsylvania, Mid Atlantic Regional Epilepsy Center in Philadelphia, The Cleveland Clinic, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Medical College of Ohio. He has brought all of this training and experience here to Montana.

ABRET Certified Laboratorty
A certified EEG lab means highly trained and certified EEG technologists and doctors trained in clinical neurophysiology. Being the only certified lab in the state means we set the standard for the highest quality and reliability in Montana.

Routine and Ambulatory EEG
If your routine EEG is normal, further evaluation usually requires a longer study, typically 4 days. You will wear the electrodes around during your daily routine. Our portable flash drive will capture several sleep wake / cycles, critical in diagnosing epilepsy. We have the most modern EEG equipment, and highly trained technologists in Montana.

Adult and Pediatric EEG
We are proficient in performing EEG on any age patients, including neonates, pediatrics, and adults. Interpreting pediatric EEG is much different than adults and requires special training. Dr. Swanson has special training and decades of experience. Don’t trust your EEG interpretation to anyone else.